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Have you ever noticed that some website URLs start with HTTP while others start with HTTPS? Maybe you’ve noticed a tiny lock icon in the top left corner of your browser? What exactly does it all mean? Websites that are HTTPS have an SSL certificate. SS-what? SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer and is a secure […]

Search Engine Optimization—or SEO—is a term that may sound scary at first, but is simple when you break it down. It’s the process of optimizing your online content (website, blog or otherwise) for search engine algorithms like Google’s. Search engine algorithms are what look at all the content on the web, and lay it out […]

Gone are the days of a “form over function” internet. Where once the simple novelty of seeing a business online, in any fashion, was often enough. Now, today’s more savvy audiences simply want to get where they are going. So with the priorities of today’s business websites being speed and ease of use, here are […]

UX refers to user experience. User experience describes how a person interacts with a product, system or service and their perception of the interaction. In franchise marketing, UX refers to the way a candidate interacts with your online collateral, particularly your website. Included in UX are qualities like page speed, navigation, readability and elements of […]

As a franchisor, you likely have a solid idea of what it takes to be successful in your system. You’ve paid attention to your top-performing franchisees and may have even noted their similarities, from their age to their education level. But did you know this information could be used to develop buyer personas? Let’s learn […]

If you have a start-up business that needs more visibility than online marketing is likely something that’s on your mind right now. The internet is a huge place with a wide variety of marketing opportunities, and it is going to be a crucial tool in start-up marketing for your new business. There are many different […]

Despite the many years since John Dewey quantified the consumer decision-making process—and rigorous research on the topic—the steps haven’t changed much. What has changed, in reality, is the way that marketers can reach and assist consumers in the buying decision process. The consumer decision process takes place over five stages, the first being “Need” and […]

In all great stories the concept of the hero’s journey is simple. Essentially the beloved hero goes on a quest facing untold difficulty, but rises victorious and returns home transformed. They have received help along the way, of course. Often taking the form of a sage or wizard. There’s usually someone who aids the hero […]

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