
Quick Summary of Briefing

In SEO, “Briefing” refers to the process of gathering detailed information and instructions to guide content creation and ensure it meets strategic objectives and user needs.

Full Overview Of Briefing

A briefing is a structured overview or introduction designed to provide essential information about a specific topic or project. This term is widely used across various fields such as the military, aviation, diving, and increasingly within online marketing and advertising. In the realm of digital content and SEO, a briefing serves as a foundational tool for guiding content creation and optimisation.

In the context of Searchmetrics Content Experience (SCE), a briefing plays a pivotal role in streamlining the content creation process by leveraging advanced data and keyword insights. It equips content creators with all the necessary details and strategic recommendations to produce content that effectively meets both user intent and search engine criteria.

The Role of Briefings in Content Creation

The briefing in Searchmetrics Content Experience is a comprehensive resource that simplifies and accelerates the content development process. It ensures that content is not only relevant to the target audience but also optimized for search engines. Here’s how a briefing facilitates content creation:

Defining Content Framework:

Topic and Subtopics: A briefing outlines the main topic and related subtopics to be covered in the content. This ensures that the content is well-structured and comprehensive.

Text Length: Recommendations for optimal text length based on industry standards and competitor analysis help maintain content quality and relevance.

Target Audience: The briefing includes details about the target audience, helping creators tailor the content to meet their needs and preferences.

Keyword Recommendations:

Must-Have Keywords: These are essential keywords that are critical for ranking well in search engines. They are often highly competitive and frequently used by competitors.

Recommended Keywords: These keywords are relevant but less central than must-have keywords. They help in creating holistic content that covers a broader range of related terms.

Additional Keywords: These keywords may not be directly related to the main topic but can enhance the uniqueness of the content and contribute to a higher search engine ranking.

Creating a Briefing with Searchmetrics Content Experience

Accessing the Briefing Creator:

Navigate to the “Briefing Creator” within the Searchmetrics Content Experience platform. Use the “Create briefing” button located at the top right corner of the application interface.

Selecting a Project and Initial Topic:

Choose a relevant project and select an initial topic for the briefing. The platform provides suggestions based on search volume and cost-per-click (CPC) data, similar to Google Suggest, which helps in evaluating the potential success of the topic.

Briefing for Existing Content:

If optimizing existing content, enter the URL to be updated. Searchmetrics Research Cloud identifies high-potential URLs and topics, allowing you to directly access the Briefing Creator with pre-selected details.

Exploring Topics and Keyword Recommendations:

Topic Explorer: Use the Topic Explorer to discover semantically related topics and analyze them from various perspectives, such as semantic relevance, rankings, seasonality, and competitiveness. This ensures that content is thorough and relevant.

Keyword Suggestions: Receive keyword recommendations categorized into must-have, recommended, and additional keywords. These suggestions are tailored to the selected topics and can be manually adjusted or excluded if necessary.

Additional Briefing Features:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Identify common questions related to the topics to ensure that the content addresses all relevant queries.

Content Score: The briefing includes a content score, with a recommended target of 75%. This score reflects how well the content aligns with the briefing’s recommendations and its potential to rank competitively.

Word Count and Custom Notes: Suggested word counts are based on competitor content averages, though this can be adjusted manually. An optional comment field allows for additional project-specific notes, such as corporate language guidelines or design preferences.

Practical Examples

E-commerce Website: An e-commerce site selling eco-friendly products might use a briefing to create content about “sustainable fashion.” The briefing would include keywords like “sustainable clothing,” “eco-friendly materials,” and “ethical fashion,” and guide the creation of a comprehensive article that appeals to environmentally conscious consumers.

Travel Blog: A travel blog might use a briefing to develop content on “top travel destinations in 2024.” The briefing would suggest keywords like “best travel spots 2024,” “popular vacation destinations,” and “travel tips,” ensuring the content is both engaging and optimized for search engines.

By utilizing a well-structured briefing, content creators can efficiently produce high-quality, SEO-optimised content that resonates with their audience and performs well in search engine results.

Briefing FAQ'S

A briefing is a detailed outline or guide used to direct the creation of content. It includes essential information such as the main topic, subtopics, target audience, and keyword recommendations. In SEO, a briefing helps ensure that the content is well-structured and optimised for search engines.

A briefing provides keyword recommendations and topic guidelines that are crucial for SEO. It ensures that the content includes relevant keywords, covers important topics comprehensively, and meets search engine criteria, which improves its chances of ranking higher in search results.

A content briefing usually includes the main topic, subtopics, target audience, keyword recommendations (must-have, recommended, additional), desired content length, and any specific guidelines or notes for content creation.

Keyword recommendations guide content creators on which terms to include to align with search intent and improve SEO performance. Must-have keywords are critical for ranking, recommended keywords help cover related terms, and additional keywords can enhance content uniqueness.

Yes, a briefing can be used to optimize existing content. By entering the URL of the existing content into the briefing tool, you can receive updated keyword recommendations and topic suggestions to enhance the content’s relevance and SEO performance.

The content score indicates how well the content aligns with the briefing’s recommendations. A higher score, typically around 75%, suggests that the content is well-optimized and likely to perform well in search engine rankings. It helps ensure the content meets the SEO and user intent criteria.

The Topic Explorer tool identifies semantically related topics and provides insights into their relevance, seasonality, competitiveness, and search intent. This helps in creating comprehensive content that covers a range of related topics and improves overall content strategy.

Must-Have Keywords: Essential for ranking and directly related to the main topic.

Recommended Keywords: Relevant but not as critical as must-have keywords; they help cover broader aspects of the topic.

Additional Keywords: Less central but can add uniqueness and enhance content by addressing secondary aspects.

The word count suggestion provides a benchmark based on competitor content, helping to ensure that your content is comprehensive enough to compete effectively. However, it can be adjusted based on specific content needs or project goals.

FAQs in a briefing highlight common questions related to the topic, helping content creators address user queries and improve the content’s relevance. Including FAQs ensures that the content answers important questions and meets user expectations, which can also enhance SEO performance.

Cite Term

To help you cite our definitions in your bibliography, here is the proper citation layout for the three major formatting styles, with all of the relevant information filled in.

  • Page URL:
  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Briefing. TSCA. February 22 2025
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Briefing. TSCA. (accessed: February 22 2025).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Briefing. Retrieved February 22 2025, from website:

This glossary post was last updated: 29th November 2024.

Martyn Siuraitis : SEO Consultants

I’m a digital marketing and SEO intern, learning the ropes and breaking down complex SEO terms into simple, easy-to-understand explanations. I enjoy making search engine optimisation more accessible as I build my skills in the field.

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