Law Firms: 4 Benefits Of Social Media Automation

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There are many benefits to automating your social media posts with social scheduling platforms such as Hootsuite, Post Planner or Zapier. Social media automation can help your firm nurture its following with highly relevant content across social channels you know your audience are more likely to be present on. Social automation can also help your firm create the illusion of omni-presence amongst your social community, regardless of the size of your firm.

Here’s four of the main benefits social media automation can bring your business.

You can monitor multiple streams all in one place

Whether you have a Facebook page, a Twitter page, a LinkedIn account, or more, you can monitor all the streams under one roof. Being able to seamlessly interact with your customers and potential customers all with one login is the perfect way to make sure you don’t miss a single interaction!

It can minimise accidents

Social media automation tools can help eliminate multiple posting or accidentally replying to the same tweet more than once. Having a centralised location where all of your channels are accessed, helps you keep track of which tweets have been replied to and when they were answered.

If more than one employee at your firm has the passwords to your multiple social channels, then accessing them all from the same place can really help you keep on top of communication!

You can receive reports via email

This reporting functionality can help you identify weaker channels and help you understand how your target audience is interacting with your social channels. In the reports, you can see the number of clicks per day, geographical information on the people who are clicking through, your top referrers and also which have been your most popular links. A great free resource!

It can help you save time

Automation can help free up some of your marketing resources, allowing you to focus on more pressing issues. Writing all social posts and scheduling them ahead of time to coincide with an event you’re having, perhaps, or a webinar you’re hosting for your clients, can help your team’s marketing stay focused and on-track, rather than a few spontaneous posts here and there.

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