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Spaces should never be used in a URL or file names because the space character gets translated to “%20” by the browser, and this can wreak havoc with both readability and statistics or analytics programs. The question then remains, which is better to use instead of spaces, underscores “_” or dashes “-“. As far as […]

In the age of millennials, the power of data is the driving force of every aspect of business. Businesses are growing more media-savvy to help their business, from artificial intelligence powered predictive analytics up to data-based operating systems, it is now possible for every business to execute different tasks with an instantaneous company data backdrops. The same […]

Since I’ve been looking this up for my own reasons, I thought I would share my findings. Direct Traffic means of course that there’s NO referrer when the visitor came to the site. This could be because someone: typed in the URL directly in their browser used a bookmark in their browser clicked a link from […]

Partnering with Google is imperative today, especially when your business is using the Internet for lead generation and as a marketing tool. Google is by far the most used search engine for organic results. Market share in the search engine world shows Google to be the king with 74% of the world using their service. Bing isn’t […]

Local citations are important for businesses that provide a service or product within their local area. But you might ask yourself, what is a local citation and where do I find them? Simply put, a local citation is a mention of your company’s Name, Address, and its Phone number, also known as NAP. (See image […]

There are two types of redirects you can use, a 301 and a 302. These numbers refer to the HTTP Status Code returned by the server for a given URL. A 301 redirect tells the search engine that the page has moved permanently to the new URL. A 302 redirect tells the search engine that the move […]

Recently a client asked why their page titles were not being used in the search results by Google. For those of you who may not know exactly what a page title is, it is in your page’s source code and looks like this: <title>This is my page title</title> and is the most important piece of […]

No matter how great our products or services are, a great design and ability to reach the right audience is crucial if we really believe our company can become successful. If you want to save both time and money and give your company a breath of fresh air, you may consider hiring a creative agency, […]

Remember who you are as a company and why you are rebranding What your company stands for and has always stood for is a crucial aspect to push through in your new marketing strategy. There are many elements to a rebrand, and it is easy to get caught up in all of them. However, every […]

Without a good brief, chances for a successful campaign are really low. Why? Well, if you don’t say what you want, you won’t get what you want. A properly written brief is a basis of a good project. You can be sure your thoughts and your expectations are expressed clearly and you can begin the […]

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